Thursday, February 10, 2011

Home Remedy: Garlic and Lemon

Our family began a journey toward natural health three years ago. One of the all-natural, home remedies we have implemented is fresh garlic and lemon juice.

Garlic is one of nature's own antibiotics. Garlic, especially organic garlic, has a high sulphur content, making it perfect for destroying bacteria, fungus, and free radicals in the body.

Fresh lemon juice has many benefits as well. Lemons are naturally antiseptic and are full of magnesium, calcium and potassium. Like garlic, they are an alkaline food. {If you are not familiar with the importance of having an alkaline diet, please read this article.} The combination of garlic and lemon is a powerful one.

Our family has gotten over a variety of illnesses, including strep throat, stomach viruses, bladder infections, and upper respiratory infections with nothing but garlic and lemon. No antibiotics, no expensive trips to the doctor's office, no harmful over-the-counter medications; just garlic and lemon.

One easy and tasty way to experience the benefits of lemon is by drinking water with lemon in it. I love to pour myself a huge glass of cold water, add the juice of one lemon, and a packet of stevia. It's the best lemonade ever! You can also add fresh lemon juice to smoothies or squeeze it over buttered pasta.

Garlic can be a little trickier. Unfortunately, raw garlic isn't exactly known for it's taste or it's ability to make your breath smell nice. But, if you're sick or feel like you're getting sick, it's worth it.

We simply take a clove of garlic and mince it as finely as possible. Then we add it to about half a cup of apple juice and chug it down. It's not the most pleasant thing in the world, but we're able to get it down even our five-year-old. Then we take it just like a doctor would prescribe an antibiotic: two or three times a day for four or five days.

The benefits of taking garlic are numerous:

  • You're not putting chemicals into your or your children's bodies.
  • The cost is extremely minimal, especially compared to over-the-counter and prescription medicines.
  • Garlic builds the immune system, rather than destroying it as an antibiotic will do.
You can easily add lemon and garlic to your everyday routine. Start the day by drinking a big glass of lemon water, and take your garlic in the morning along with your other vitamins and supplements. 

Of course, if you feel like you or your children need to go to the doctor, please do so. It never hurts to be safe!

Written and submitted by Lindsey @ Penny-wise


  1. Amazing what those two little ingrediants can do for your system. We've been seeing the good effects of this for years now. The kids HATE it but who cares! :)

  2. I use garlic in several of our meals every week but I had no idea what great things it was doing for us! I'm excited to know I'm actually getting something other than flavor and smelly fingertips out of all that time I spend mincing!
    Thanks for passing this on!

  3. My throat was so sore this morning ! i remembered reading that warm lemon water was really good, and that keeping a clove of garlic in your cheek was also good, so i thought i'd put the two together and this is working wonders! I shaved half a garlic clove into a warm glass of lemon water. My throat feels 10x better! still a bit sore though
