Friday, December 10, 2010

Cleaning With Essential Oils

Essential oils are very useful in household cleaning. They're all-natural, chemical- and additive-free, and inexpensive. Some essential oils you might consider for use in your home include:

  • Lavender: This essential oil is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. One of the safest oils, it has calming and relaxing qualities.
  • Lemon: Lemon has similar qualities to lavender and has excellent cleansing properties. Often used in furniture products, lemon oil is a grease cutter. It is invigorating to the senses, rather than calming. When considering which lemon essential oil to purchase, be sure to avoid those containing petroleum distillates.
  • Eucalyptus: Also a grease cutter, eucalyptus oil is also great for soap scum and countertops. Like lavender, it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. Tea tree oil and orange oil are also useful for cutting grease.
  • Tea Tree: An excellent antiseptic, this oil can be used for soaking cloth diapers. Use six drops of tea tree oil along with six drops of lavender oil in water. The oil and water should be changed daily.
These essential oils and more can also be used as air purifiers. Simply mix a few drops of the oil of your choice in a spray bottle of water and spritz in the air as necessary. Four to six drops is usually enough; however you should use as much as your personal taste dictates.

Oils to consider for air purifiers are: lemon, thyme, eucalyptus, and/or tea tree oil for germs. Lavender and geranium oils are good for calm and relaxation.

Remember to keep all your mixes away from children, and ALWAYS label your bottles.

Finally, here are two recipes for cleaners we all use everyday:

Disinfecting Spray
2 cups water
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 tsp. tea tree oil
1/4 tsp. lavender oil

Combine in a labeled spray bottle and use wherever you would normally use a disinfecting spray: countertops, sinks, toilet handles and seats, high chairs, trashcans, door knobs and light switches. Shake before use. Test in an inconspicuous area first.

All-Purpose Cleaner
2 Tbsp. Borax
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 cups hot water

Combine in a labeled spray bottle and use for all-purpose cleaning.

IMPORTANT: Pregnant women or anyone with a medical condition should check with a doctor before using essential oils. Used correctly, they are a wonderful addition to the natural home. Essential oils should ALWAYS be diluted in carrier oil or water and SHOULD NOT be applied directly to the skin unless recommended by a qualified practitioner. Always use with caution.

Submitted by Linda @ Penny-wise

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